If you are human, leave this field blank.Could you tell me about yourself?Gender *Mr.Ms.OtherYour name *Mail * *Phone *Nationality *Hotel Name *The number of people(Total Max 6 pple)The number of adults(12 yrs old and above) Max 6 ppl *123456The number of kids(6-11 yrs old and above) Max 5 ppl012345The number of kids(1-5 yrs old) Max 5 ppl012345The number of kids(Under 1 yrs old) Max 5 ppl012345Age of the kids(If you don't mind)Date of the tour *Would you please check my availability on my calendar?Ending date of the tourIf you have several days you would like to have me as a guide, please let me know when the tour ends.Starting time of the tour *Recommended time is after 9:30 a.m. due to the heavy rush hour in Tokyo.Tour duration *Half day(Up to 4 hours)One day(Up to 8 hours)Two days(Up to 4 hours per day)Two days(Up to 8 hours per day)Three days(Up to 4 hours per day)Three days(Up to 8 hours per day)Four days(Up to 4 hours per day)Four days(Up to 8 hours per day)Five days(Up to 4 hours per day)Five days(Up to 8 hours per day)(Excess charge over 7 hours will be USD 50 per hour per day.)Your interestsCould you tell me your favorite fields? *You can choose multiple answers.(Please pick up between 2-5) Animal cafeAnimationCalligraphyCruisingCuisinesHistoryIndustry & TechnologyJapanese gardenJapanese Sake tastingJapanese performing artsModern ArchitectureModern ArtNature & ParksPhotographPop cultureShopping & MarketsSumoTea ceremonyTemple & ShrinesTraditional craftsTraditional Arts & ArchitecturesOther(Please write down the detail in the last blank.)Which do you prefer; major tourist destination or hidden gems? Both? *Major tourist destinationsHidden gemsBothWhich do you prefer; urban area? traditional or downtown area? *UrbanTraditional or downtown areaBothDo you have any particular areas you would like to visit?ShinjukuShibuyaHarajuku/OmotesandoAsakusaSkytreeRyogokuNakanoUenoYanakaAkihabaraGinzaMarunouchiNihonbashiRoppongiAkasakaIkebukuroOdaibaShinagawaShibamataTokyo Tower, Shiba areaHow many times have you visited Japan? *First timeSeveral timesHow many times have you visit TOKYO? *First timeSeveral timesAny special assistance you need( e.g. Buggy, Wheel chair, Cane)Any food restrictions(vegetarian, vegan, allergies, etc.)OtherIf you have anything other than the choice listed above, please don't hesitate to leave comments. e.g. I'd like to extend my tour duration more than 7 hours. This is my birthday trip. I'd like to go to flee market in Japan, I'd like to buy a particular goods e.t.c....Send(Since this screen is not saved, please take a screenshot or print screen if you need.) My availabilityAvailableUnavailableNovember 2024December 2024January 2025February 2025March 2025April 2025May 2025June 2025July 2025August 2025September 2025October 2025November 2025December 2025January 2026February 2026MTWTFSS12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728